Shaolin Kungfu

While an opponent executes a kick, his kicking leg is a good target for your counter-strike

There are many ways to counter kicks by exploiting their innate weaknesses. Using body-movement to avoid the kick and simultaneously strike the kicking leg is an effective way. Intercepting a kick, especially one that takes some time to reach its target, is another. Felling an opponent as he kicks is a third way.

Many martial artists are not accustomed to these counters. It is because in their arts, which are actually sports, they are not allowed to do so. In Taekwondo, for example, you are forbidden to strike at a kicking leg, or to throw an opponent to the ground when he kicks. In real combat such restrictions give kungfu exponents numerous advantages, but many kungfu practitioners do not know how to exploit these advantages nor the innate weaknesses of kicks.

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Shaolin Kung Fu Understanding Fine Points and Principles

It is necessary to perform the movements slowly in order to realize the fine points and understand the underlying principles. Then we can practice to be fluent and increase the speed.

Shaolin Kung Fu Striking and Intercepting Kicks

Here is another series of counters against the three Muay Thai kicks. Strike the frontal kick as before, but instead of avoiding the sweeping kick, intercept it with a leopard punch and follow immediately with another leopard punch at the attacker ribs as he drops his leg.

Shaolin Kung Fu Intercepting with a Strike

There is another way of countering the three Muay Thai kicking attacks. The first and the third counters are the same. In the second counter, don't change his step but intercept the sweeping kick from the Bow-Arrow Stance. It is not a block, but an interception with a strike.

Shaolin Kung Fu Opening your Opponent to Strike Him

If the opponent continues with a right hook despite being hit, you should intercept his hook with your left hand and simultaneously strike him with your right hand. If he attempts to attack again with his left hand, intercept it with your right hand and simultaneously strike him with your left hand. Here you open your opponent and have him at your mercy. You may also kick him if you like.

Shaolin Kung Fu Open Opponent and Strike Chest with Knee

Here are some possible developments. In this encounter, change step into a sideway Horse-Riding Stance to intercept the Muay Thai sweeping kick. Then open the opponent and strike his chest with your knee using the Shaolin pattern “Golden Cockerel Stands Solitarily”.

Shaolin Kung Fu Making Changes According to Combat Situations

Participants practice the counter sequence. But in a real fight, an opponent may not follow the same sequence. Of course, the sequence in combat may not be in the same order as the one you practice. But once you are familiar with the sequence and movements, you can make appropriate changes or modifications according to the actual combat situations.

Shaolin Kung Fu Hitting an Opponent Many Times

Actually in a combat, you often need not complete your sequence because you would have defeated your opponent at the middle or even at the start of your sequence. Yet, you may continue the planned movements of your sequence if you like even when the opponent has been defeated. In other words, you would hit him many times, not just once or twice. Of course you can stop an inch from contact to be merciful.

Shaolin Kung Fu Different Hand-Forms for Different Occasions

In kungfu we use the best hand forms for the occasions. Use a reverse fist when striking a kicking leg. When striking the knee and solar plexus, use a leopard punch. Notice how the leopard punch is driven into an opponent's solar plexus. This is a deadly strike which we usually stop an inch or two before target.

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Exploiting the Innate Weaknesses of Kicks to Counter Them from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

You can view all the videos here

Basic Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Muay Tahi and Wrestling

  1. From Shaolin to Instinctive Fighting to Boxing
  2. Basic Counters against a Boxer's Jabs
  3. Chasing after a Boxer's Retreat
  4. One-Step, Two-Step or Multiple-Step Chase
  5. Practicing on your Own, then Testing it on your Partner
  6. Counters against a Boxer's Left Jabs
  7. Handling Unexpected Attacks Correctly and Spontaneously
  8. Progressing to Realistic Sparring with a Boxer
  9. Employing Appropriate Tactics to Defeat a Boxer
  10. Sticking to a Boxer as he Tries to Bounce Away
  1. Advantages of the Bow-Arrow Stance over a Boxer's Footwork
  2. Practicing Numerous Tactics against Boxers
  3. Handling a Boxer Competently despite his Speed and Size
  4. Understanding and Implementing Techniques, Tactics and Skills against Boxers
  5. Countering the Left-Left-Right of Boxers
  6. Kick a Boxer Whenever he Uses his Right Hand
  7. Various Tactics to Handle a Boxer
  8. Attacking a Boxer with a Planned Sequence
  9. Felling an Opponent as he Attacks with an Undercut
  10. Various Ways to Fell an Opponent
  1. Knee Strikes and their Counters
  2. From Simple Techniques to Sophisticated Patterns
  3. Why are many Kungfu Practitioners Unable to Counter Muay Thai or Kick-Boxing Attacks?
  4. Superiority of Kungfu Stances, Footwork and Techniques
  5. Counters against Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing Attacks
  6. Effective Tactics and Techniques against Continuous Attacks Mixed with Feint Moves
  7. How do you Counter Continous Kicks?
  8. Exploiting the Innate Weaknesses of Kicks to Counter Them
  9. Throwing an Opponent as he Kicks
  10. Striking the Attacker as he Attempts a Shoot
  11. Countering the Shoot when an Attacker has Grabbed you or Pushed you onto the Ground