White Snake Shoots Venom

White Snake Shoots Venom

The names of the patterns in Chinese pronunciation and Chinese characters are found at the bottom of the webpage.

White Snake Shoots Venom is the first combat-application set.

The 12 combat sequences of Wahnam Taijiquan are linked together to form 4 combat-application sets as follows:

  1. White Snake Shoots Venom -- Combat Sequences 1 to 3
  2. Green Dragon Shoots Pearl -- Combat Sewuences 4 to 7
  3. Black Bear Sinks Hips -- Combat Sequences 8 to 10
  4. Carry Tiger Back to Mountain -- Combat Sequences 11 to 12

Combat Sequence 1 — Immortal Waves Sleeves

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
1. Wuji Stance
2. Cloud Hands

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
3. Playing the Lute
4. White Snake Shoots Venom (1)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
5. White Snake Shoots Venom (2)
6. Low Stance Vertical Punch

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
7. Immortal Waves Sleeves
8. White Snake Shoots Venom (1)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
9. Low Cloud Hands
10. Cloud Hands

Combat Sequence 2 — Low Stance Vertical Punch

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
11. White Snake Shoots Venom
12. Low Stance Vertical Punch

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
13. Open Window to Look at Moon
14. Playing the Lute (1)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
15. Playing the Lute (2)
16. Playing the Lute (3)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
17 Playing the Lute (4)
18. White Snake Shoots Venom

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
19. Black Bear Sinks Hips
20. Immortal Waves Sleeves

Combat Sequence 3 — White Snake Shoots Venom

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
21. Cloud Hands (1)
22. Cloud Hands (2)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
23. White Snake Shoots Venom (1)
24. White Snake Shoots Venom (2)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
25. Immortal Waves Sleeves
26. White Snake Shoots Venom (3)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
27. Cloud Hands (!)
28. Cloud Hands (2)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
29. Cloud Hands (3)
30. Cloud Hands (4)

White Snake Shoots Venom White Snake Shoots Venom
31. Playing the Lute
32. Flowing Breeze Swaying Willows


Names of Patterns, Chinese (Cantonese) Pronounciation and Chinese Characters

White Snake Shoots Venom
White Snake Shoots Venom

The names of the patterns, the Chinese (Cantonese) pronunciation and the Chinese characters are provided by Sifu Michael Chow of Shaolin Wahnam Canada. Please note that the numbering in the list above and the numbering of the patterns in the set may not correspond exactly. We wish to thank Sifu Michael Chow for his effort.


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