Triple Strecth

Even when an opponent is bigger-sized and stronger, you can throw him over

When a Boxer uses hooks to attack you, you can intercept the hooks and counter with "Jade Girl Threads Shuttle". You may then fell him onto the ground. It is also useful to kick him when he moves in to attack you, irrespective of what attacks he may use!

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Hooks Jade Girl Felling Opponent
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Covering Yourself Felling Opponent Changing Techniques
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Kicking a Boxer Boxer's Hooks Against Hooks

You can view all the above videos here. Please click the picture or the caption below

Countering Hooks and Executing Kicks at Boxers from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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