Taijiquan on the Blue Mountain Part 32 — Life (Almost)
8th to 12th March 2009


Wahnam Taijiquan

Barry of England and Sifu Simon of Costa Rica applying combat sequences in their sparring

Course participants learn how to continue to another sequence after completing the first sequence. Footwork adjustment is often needed. Barry and Sifu Simon demonstrate how to initiate with Combat Sequence 1 and continue with Combat Sequence 2. Body-movement is very important in "Striking Tiger Poise". The arms must also be free from being kicked at.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Thrust Punch Striking Tiger Combat Sequence 2
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Combat Sequence 2 Pluck Grapes Body Movement
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Body Movement Combat Sequence 2 Change Leg Mode
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Sequences 1 and 2 Sequences 1 and 2 Continuation

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

Continuation of One Sequence to Another Sequence from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Please click here for an Overview of the entire course

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