taijiquan sparring

Taijiquan Combat Sequence 10 — Shoulder Strike

As a complete martial art, Taijiquan incorporates all the four categories of attack, namely striking, kicking, felling techniques and grips, and the counters against all these different attacks. In other words, if you are well trained in Taijiquan combat, you can effectively defend yourself against opponents using any martial styles or free fighting.

Many martial arts or sports today do not have this comprehensive feature. A Taekwondo exponent, for example, may not know how to release his leg if it is caught by his opponent. A Kickboxer may not know how to release his arm if his opponent caught it. They do not have the appropriate counters because such attacks are not allowed in their arts.

In this video clip, as Jeffrey attacks, Javier follows Jeffrey's momentum, grips his arm and pulls him to fall forward. Jeffrey relaxes his arm, follows Javier's momentum and strikes Javier with his shoulder. Here are two examples of the famous Taijiquan tactic of “using the opponent's force against himself”. Javier releases his grip and strikes Jeffrey's face, using the tactic of “long against short”.

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

Taijiquan Combat Sequence 10 -- Shoulder Strike from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Old Version of Taijiquan Twelve Combat Sequences
Revised Version of Taijiquan Twelve Combat Sequences

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