lion dance

Four Directions Showing Majesty

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14th June 2019 -- Day 1 Morning

    1. Rolling Thunder Drumming
    2. Mountain of Cranes and Mountain of Buddhas
    3. Flat-Beak Duck and Big-Head Dog
    4. Stopping the Rolling Thunder
    5. Three Beats in a Unit
    6. Class Practice of Three Beats
    7. Five Beats in a Unit
    8. Walking -- Three Beats and Five Beats
    9. Cymbals to Keep the Rhythm
    10. Rolling and Stopping
    11. Gong to Keep the Base
    12. The Cymbals and the Gong
    13. Variations of Cymbals and of Gong

14th June 2019 -- Day 1 Afternoon
    1. Movements of Lion when Walking
    2. Movements of Lion Tail
    3. Greeting of Uncle Righteousness' Lineage
    4. How to Hold a Lion Head when Walking
    5. How to Perform the Lion Tail
    6. Moving the Lion Head when Walking
    7. Class Practice of Lion Head and Tail
    8. Lion Head and Tail when Walking
    9. Walking with Head and Tail
    10. Movements of Lion Tail
    11. Four Directions Showing Majesty
    12. Hand Movements of Four Directions
    13. Four Directions with Lion Head
    14. Till Head, Close Mouth, and Shake
    15. Lift the Lion Head High with Close Mouth
    16. Majestic Lion and Walking Lion
    17. Class Practice of Majesty and Walking
    18. Five Blessings at the Door
    19. Class Practice of Five Blessings
    20. Five Blessings with Drumming
    21. Three Rings Around the Moon
    22. Class Practice of Three Rings
    23. The Majesty of Three Rings

15th June 2019 -- Day 2 Morning

    1. Seven-Star Drumming
    2. Participants Practicing Seven-Star
    3. Cymbals Keep Rhythm, Gong Keeps Base
    4. Joining Seven Continuously to Make Twenty One
    5. Off Beat, Double Beats, Four Beats
    6. Twenty One, and Five in Lion Dance Drumming
    7. Majesty-Blessing-Tail End in Lion Dance Drumming
    8. Drumm ing -- Four Directions Showing Majesty
    9. Non-Stop for Majesty in Lion Dance Drumming
    10. Participants Practicing Four Directions
    11. Basic and Variation of Cymbals
    12. Practice of Drumming and Cymbals
    13. The Gong Keeps the Base
    14. Walking -- Five and Seven
    15. Practice of Lion Dance Music

15th June 2019 -- Day 2 Afternoon

    1. Greeting Without Lion Head
    2. Rolling Thunder for Greeting
    3. Practicing the Greeting
    4. Greeting of Buddha-Mountain Lion
    5. Greeting of Crane-Mountain Lion
    6. Practice of Crane-Mountain Lion Greeting
    7. Lion Dance Music for Greeting
    8. Class Practice of Lion Dance Music
    9. Short Greeting of Buddha-Mountain Lion

16th June 2019 -- Day 3 Morning

    1. Training the Hand to Follow the Heart
    2. "Trom" instead of "Tak"
    3. Variation in Majestic Drumming
    4. Practice of the Variation
    5. Lion -- Four Directions Showing Majesty

16th June 2019 -- Day 3 Afternoon

    1. Greeting without the Lion
    2. Greeting with Full Aparatus
    3. Movements of Five Blessings at the Door
    4. Five Blessings at the Door with Lion
    5. Movements of Three Rings Around the Moon
    6. Three Rings Around the Moon with Lion
    7. Three Types of Lion Dance Drumming
    8. Analysis of Majestic Drumming
    9. Test the Vegetable before Eating
    10. Testing the Vegetable with Four-Star Drumming
    11. Signal, then Four-Star
    12. The Use of Four-Star
    13. The Practice of Four-Star

17th June 2019 -- Day 4 Morning

    1. Drumming for Lion Dance Drama (1)
    2. Drumming for Lion Dance Drama (2)
    3. Lion Walking -- Five and Seven
    4. Practice of Lion Walking
    5. Four Directions -- Majesty, Blessing, and Tail-End
    6. Practice of Four Directions
    7. Movements and Drumming of Three Rings

17th June 2019 -- Day 4 Afternoon

    1. Movements of Approaching Vegetable
    2. Drumming for Approaching Vegetable
    3. Structure of Seven-Star Drumming
    4. Structure of Approaching Vegetable
    5. Drumming of Signal and Seven Stars
    6. Practice of Signal and Seven Stars
    7. Practice of Lion for Seven Stars
    8. Movements and Drumming of Eating, Swallowing, and Cleansing
    9. Practice of Eating, Swallowing and Cleansing
    10. Lion in Eating and Swallowing the Vegetable
    11. Movements of Sharing Blessing with Spectators
    12. Lion Sharing Blessing with Spectators
    13. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (1)
    14. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (2)
    15. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (3)
    16. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (4)
    17. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (5)
    18. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (6)
    19. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (7)
    20. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (8)
    21. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (9)
    22. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (10)
    23. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (11)
    24. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (12)
    25. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (13)
    26. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (14)
    27. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (15)
    28. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (16)
    29. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (17)
    30. Practice of Drum, Cymbals and Gong (18)

18th June 2019 -- Day 5 Morning

    1. Drumming for Lion Dance Drama
    2. Practice of Lion Dance Music (1)
    3. Plan for Ground Green in Lion Dance
    4. Practice of Lion Dance Music (2)
    5. Practice of Lion Dance Music (3)
    6. Story of Laughing Buddha in Lion Dance
    7. Drumming for Laughing Buddha and Kungfu Performance
    8. Flying Pole in Sky Green of Lion Dance

18th June 2019 -- Day 5 Afternoon

    1. Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon
    2. Divine Peaches on Mountain
    3. Attaining Higher Every Step
    4. Flower in Gold River
    5. Explaining the Movements of Lion Dance
    6. Drumming According to Formation
    7. Lion and Drumming of Ground Green


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