This is a private webpage meant for students of Shaolin Wahnam Institute. Those who have not undergone any kungfu training courses with Sifu Wong or any of the Certified Shaolin Wahnam Instructors may not be able to understand the content because the material, presented in a very concise manner, is not meant to explain anything, but is meant to remind initiated students what they have learnt or will learn.
Level 1: Fundamentals of Shaolin Kungfu
Form: Basic patterns, stances and footwork.
Application: Specific Techniques.
Force: Zhang Zhuang (basic stances), One Finger Shoot Zen, Leg Stretching.
Philosophy: Dimensions, aims and brief history.
- 8 basic patterns of hand attack and defence.
- Basic stances — Horse-Riding, Bow-Arrow, False-Leg, Single-Leg, Unicorn, Goat.
- Footwork — forward, backward and sideways.
- Specific Techniques against simple punches, kicks, holds on wrist, and throws from standing position. Use “Single Tiger” against punches, “Lohan Strikes Drum” against kicks, “Rolling thunder” against holds on wrist, shifting step against throws.
Level 2: Lohan Asks the Way.
Form: Basic set — Lohan Asks the Way.
Application: 4 basic hand attacks and defence from poise patterns.
Force: Zhang Zhuang with hand forms, Spacing, Timing, Breath Co-ordination.
Philosophy: Principles of Attack and Defence.
- Sparring mode— pre-choice and self-choice.
- Principles — Three Arrivals, Ask the Way, Safety First.
Level 3: Black Tiger Steals Heart.
Form: Application Set 1 — Black Tiger Steals Heart.
Application: Hand attacks in three-step sequences.
Force: Flow of movement, Quick decision making, Instant modification.
Philosophy: Principles of Force Training.
- Sparring mode — changing patterns.
- Principles — Gradual Progress, Perseverance,Techniques and Skills.

Level 4: Fierce Tiger Speeds Across Valley
Form: Application Set 2 — Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley, Patterns for kicks and defence.
Application: Further hand attacks in three-step sequences, One-step kicking attacks and defence.
Force: Leg-Stretching Exercises.
Philosophy: Techniques, Tactics and Strategies.
- Sparring mode — left or right, run-on sequence.
- Principles — Soft against hard, Exploiting opponent's weakness, Avoiding his strong points.
Level 5: Happy Bird Hops up Branch.
Form: Application Set 3 — Happy Bird Hops up Branch.
Application: Combat sequences with kicking attacks.
Force: Breath Co-ordination.
Philosophy: Use of Tactics.
- Tactics — Feign weakness, Pressing attack, Breaking opponent's momentum.
Level 6: Felling Tree with Roots.
Form: Application Set 4 — Felling Tree with Roots.
Application: Combat sequences with holds and falls.
Force: Elegance and Speed.
Philosophy: Use of Strategies.
- Strategies based on “Know Thyself, Know your Opponent”.
Level 7: Cross-Roads at Four Gates
Form: Cross-Roads at Four Gates
Application: Combination Set of Four Gates.
Force: Solo performance as well as sparring with picture-perfect form, force, speed but without panting.
Philosophy: Different levels of combat.
- “Cross-Roads at Four Gates” is a treasure of Shaolin Kungfu, enabling us to experience profundity in simplicity.
Level 8: Shaolin Staff
Form: Flowing Water Staff.
Application: Against staff and other weapons.
Force: Hit, Thrust, and Eye sight training.
Philosophy: Principles of weapon combat.
- Safety, certainty and decisiveness, Avoiding strength and attacking weakness.

Level 9: Shaolin Sabre
Form: Plum Flower Single Sabre.
Application: Against sabre, spear and other weapons.
Force: Accuracy and “sabre force” to cut an apple or any suitable object for testing.
Philosophy: Characteristics of major weapons.
- Major weapons — staff, sabre, spear, sword, dagger, Big Knife, trident, soft whip.
Level 10: Unarmed against Armed
Form: Empty Hands Enter White Blade.
Application: Unarmed against dagger, staff and sabre.
Force: Countering feign moves.
Philosophy: The principles and practice of Apparent and Real.
- “Over Bridge, Flow with Water”.
Level 11: Single Unarmed against Multiple Unarmed
Form: Tiger Enters Herd of Sheep.
Application: Single unarmed against multiple unarmed.
Force: “Bamboo Man” or “Through the Woods”.
Philosophy: “Back-wall battle” and “Dodge-hit battle”.
- Agility stamina and endurance.
Level 12: Single Unarmed and Armed against Multiple Armed
Form: Dodge Hit.
Application: Single unarmed and armed against multiple armed.
Force: Dodging skills and using enemy as shields.
Philosophy: “Catch the Leader First” and “Break Through the Weakest”.
- Importance of mind and energy control.