United States of America

I can honestly tell your readers your chi kung power is mind blowing. Its so easy to do yet you can achieve unbelievable results which you can't get anywhere else..
-- Jeffrey Synder
Dear Sifu,
I attended your Intensive Chi Kung Course in March 2001. I could not help but put my response to the questioning of your course fees in the August P2001 Part 3 Question-Answer series.
I do not feel people really understand how powerful your Chi Kung is. Yes, it looks simple. But it is very strong in tapping chi and inducing internal flow. You walk around all day smiling because your chi is flowing. It ts wonderful.
Secondly, I wonder if this reader or others have really trained with high level masters. If they haven't, then attend your course, and they would be very surprised as I was when I trained with another high level master this month.
This master in California taught secret Taoist and Buddhist chi kung at about the same price you charge. This master also had the ability to transmit skill and influence the elements. Very high level. But, I can honestly say that when I returned home I was charged with energy but nothing like I was when I returned from your course in Malaysia.
Looking back I was taken back at just how powerful the three patterns you taught us were. I really am still surprised. Because we trained with you for three days, a few hours a day. But I stayed with the master in California for 24 hours, living in a strong chi field surrounding the master in the master's house.
Sifu, I have trained with another very high level Tai Chi master learning chi kung from him. I can honestly tell your readers your chi kung power is mind blowing. Its so easy to do yet you can achieve unbelievable results which you can't get anywhere else. Other styles ask you to abstain from daily joys and practice two or three hours twice a day. Shaolin-Wahnam Chi Kung is the best in the world.
Jeffrey Snyder
21st August 2001.