Shaolin Kungfu

Genuine, traditional Shaolin Kungfu


I'm very grateful for your help, and to know that there is someone out there who will tell me what I want to know about this martial art.

— Nicholas, Holland


We in Shaolin Wahnam have benefited greatly from our Shaolin Kungfu training, which has given us combat efficiency, good health, vitality, longevity, mental clarity and spiritual joys. We are keenly awared that Shaolin Kungfu has been transformed to such an extent that what is generally practiced as Shaolin Kungfu now is vastly different from what it was traditionally practiced in the past.

In the past, stances were very important. Shaolin practitioners had internal force and used Shaolin patterns for combat. They were relaxed and peaceful even under demanding situations. Size, age and sex were not decisive factors in combat as well as daily performance. For example, a diminitive woman of 60 could defeat a muscular young man of 30 in combat, or perform better than him in daily activities.

Today, amongst most modern Shaolin practitioners, stances are not important. They use muscular strength and Kick-Boxing for combat. They are tensed and agitated even in ordinary situations. Size, age and sex are decisive factors in combat as well as daily performance. Regardless of how beautiful her forms are and for how many years she has trained, it would be impossibe for a diminitve woman of 60 to defeat a muscular young man of 30 in combat, or perform better than him in daily activities.

We practice the traditional form of Shaolin Kungfu and derive the exact benefits that practicing Shaolin Kungfu is purportoed to give us. While we respect the right of others to practice Shaolin Kungfu in its modern form or in whatever ways they like, we feel duty bound to preserve traditional Shaolin Kungfu and help others who sincerely seek our advice. As part of our on-going effort to help preserve genuine, traditional Shaolin Kungfu, we have publicly shared secrets that many masters in the past would keep only for their top students.

The above is taken from Question 4 of February 2008 Part 1 of the Selection of Questions and Answers.


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