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Make sure you are safe as in both your attack and defence

Before you move in to attack your opponent with your planned sequence, you must make sure you are save -- in both defence and attack.

When you adopt the defence mode, using your Bow-Arrow Stance is an excellent way to accomplish this objective. Don't make the two mistakes many people make. Hence, you must bear in mind the following two points:

  1. Don't bounce about.
  2. Don't retreat.

How would you avoid your opponents' attacks if you don't retreat? Simple. Use your body-movement.

When you keep to your Bow-Arrow Stance, you can be safe from your opponent's attacks by shifting your body, and can strike your opponents easily, as shown in the video below.

Please click the picture or the caption below to view the video

Always be Safe against your Opponents from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

The lesson here teaches you how to be safe when you are in the defence mode. In the next lesson you will learn how to be safe when you attack.

Wong Kiew Kit
18th February 2013
Killarney, Ireland.



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