free sparring competitions

Top American and Chinese fighters

Two matches are shown here. The third video is a close-up of the second video.

The first match is an ALL-China Sanshou Championship. The second video shows an international match between a top American fighter versus a top Chinese fighter.

Both matches are world-top level. They are noticeably of a higher level than the two videos shown here and here. which are an international Taekwondo and Karate competitions as well as the Hong Kong Sanda Competition and intenational cage-fighting shown previously.

Yet, apart from experience and the element of threat, you are better in other aspects of combat, like a far wider range of techniques as well as application of tactics and strategies.

There is no doubt that these world top fighters are forceful. But your internal force is not far behind either. Notice that the Chinese fighter could fell his bigger American opponent with just an uppercut. You should be able to fell a bigger opponent with just one strike of your internal force too.

You know the counters to all their attacks -- though you may be unable to apply them in an actual fight due to their speed and raw power, or due to your fighting like them instead of using your own techniques. On the other hand, if you apply sophisticated kungfu techniques on them, they may not know the counters.

This is an important point. If you avoid your opponents' strength and strike at their weakness, you can defeat them even when they are more powerful and faster.

Please click the picture or the caption below to view the video

How to Defeat World Top Fighters from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

How would you fight if you meet world top fighters like those shown in the videos above?

If you remain at your stance and use body-movement instead of bouncing back, and employ Double Dragon Technique as guard hands, it would not be easy for them to hit you. Even though their strikes are powerful, by using their momentum and your internal force, you can deflect their attacks away. What you need is confidence and presence of mind.

A better strategy than waiting for them to attack, is to strike them in a way they are not used to defend against. Move in swiftly and safely with your planned combat sequence, and you can press them to a wall, despite them being world top professional fighters.

But you are not going to fight world-top professional fighters to start with. You are not even fighting top amateur fighters. You are going to fight those whom we know you are going to win. Gradually as you gain more victories and experience, you can progress to beating professional fighters.

Wong Kiew Kit
13th November 2012



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