Old Eagle Catches Snake

Adjust your footwork to bridge the gap of an opponent's retreat so that you can reach him with your strike

Kungfu is alive. One important manifestation of this important principle is to adjust your footwork according to your opponent's position. Both the thrust punch in the initial attack as well as the palm strike in its counter provide good opportunities for this manifestation. Both are penetrating attacks. An excellent defence against penetrating attacks is Lift Hand. Can you see that it is not a block?

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Old Eagle Catches Snake Old Eagle Catches Snake Old Eagle Catches Snake
Kicking Attacks Class Practice Cover and Strike
Old Eagle Catches Snake Old Eagle Catches Snake
Penetrating Strike Chasing after Opponent
Old Eagle Catches Snake Old Eagle Catches Snake Old Eagle Catches Snake
Adjust Footwork Thrust Punch Lift Hand

The video, "Penetrating Attack and Lift Hand in Taijiquan", can be assessed here



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