Triple Strecth

The tactic of pressing attacks

Starting with a horizontal sweep as in Horizontally Sweep Thousand Armies", followed by "Comet Chases Moon" in pressing attacks may make many opponents quite helpless. An effective counter is shown by Jas using a dragon-hand. There are some intricacies of pressing attacks.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Gripping Elbow Deflecting Attack Horizontal Chop
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Canon Punch Pressing Attacks
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Pressing Attacks Continuous Attacks Thrust Punch

You can view all the above videos here. Please click the picture or the caption below.

Intricacies of Pressing Attacks from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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