Traveling Dragon Sword

This is not a right way to defend against a Guan Dao attack

A Chinese sword (jian) is different from a saber (dao). Indeed a tell-tale sign that a person does not know how to use a sword is when he uses it like a saber, like using it to block a heavy weapon, which is not uncommon in kungfu movies. This will result in the dainty sword being broken into pieces.

On the other hand, how would you use a sword against an even lighter and faster weapon like a rapier? Whereas you use the comparative lightness of the sword against a heavier weapon, here you use the comparative heaviness of a sword against the lighter weapon to neutralize the advantage of its speed. You also make good use of the sharp edges of the sword, which a rapier lacks.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Against Heavier as well as Lighter Weapons

Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
Golden Beam Supports Sea Golden Beam Supports Sea Golden Cockerel Stands Solitarily
Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
Monstrous Dragon Circles Pillar Dark Dragon Spreads Tail Conceal Dragon in Bosom
Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
Golden Dragon Shoots Tongue Golden cockerel Stands Solitarily Point at Stars Look at Moon

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

The Sword against Heavier as well as Lighter Weapons from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Overview of Traveling Dragon Sword and its Application

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