Shaolin Kungfu

Grandmaster Wong avoids Sifu Jamie's kick by sinking his body backward without moving his feet

Grandmaster Wong explains and demonstrates some important principles against kicking attacks. A skillful use of stances and spacing can give us tremendous advantages. We can, for example, avoid an opponent’s kicks without having to our feet. Our guard hand prevents an opponent from moving in too closely. As soon as he kicks, we may cover and strike or fell him. Plucking his grapes is relatively easy when he kicks.

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Principles and Techniques against Kicking Attacks

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Stance and Spacing Hand and Spacing Spacing and Counters
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Attacking Groin Close and Strike Close and Strike

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Shaolin Principles and Techniques against Kicking Attacks from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


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