Free Sparring

Why did Eugene and Anthony use the patterns and stances they used in their free sparring? Why didn't they use Boxing punches or Taekwondo kicks, or bounce about? This was because through centuries of actual fighting kungfu masters had discovered that certain ways of fighting were very effective, and they had evolved these effective ways of fighting into patterns and stances which have been passed down to us as an institutionalized art.

Can we use these kungfu patterns against opponents who use other styles of fighting or who fight randomly without any styles? Of course, and it will be easier. If you can fight against an opponent who uses patterns and stances that are the result of evolution over many centuries of effective fighting, it will be easier to fight against another who fights randomly due to his ignorance of these accumulated advantages.

Some basic kungfu techniques to counter Boxers' punches and Muay Thai kicks, which random fighters often use, are shown here and here . Systematic training to apply more advanced kungfu techniques and skills in sparring are shown in other video clips

The size of the video clip is 1355 KB.

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