There has been a long debate, still going on, amongst scholars whether Bodhidharma taught Bone Marrow Cleansing at the Shaolin Monastery in the 6th century.

Amongst chi kung practitioners there is no question that Bodhidharma taught Bone Marrow Cleansing, and we in Shaolin Wahnamk are very grateful to him. Grandmaster Wong researched into this topic and had an aha experience. Bone Marrow Cleansing refers to skills, and not techniques like Eighteen Lohan Hands and Sinew Metamorphosis that can be recorded.

In chi kung philosophy, there are five levels of energy flow, namely at the skin, the muscles, the meridians, the internal organs and the bone marrow (which often refers to the nerves in Western terminology). In the course we directed chi, or energy, to flow at these five levels. We name the course "Bone Marrow Cleansing" in honour of the great Bodhidharma.

Please click picture or the caption below to view the video

Bone Marrow Cleansing -- Ireland 2017 from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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